Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Being Transgender and The Church

written and compiled from systematic research and life. 
by myself, Monica Renae Harmon

Please allow me to  introduce myself along with a brief history of my travels along the highway of this thing we call life.

My name is Monica Renae Harmon.  I was born the second child of Harold and Clara Harmon in Cleveland, Ohio on May 2nd 1947. During my early childhood I had many health issues that caused me to come close to death several times before the age of 10.  One of which was, unfortunately, contracting Polio and I was paralyzed on my entire right side.  I fully recovered from all my issues including my paralyses and have lived a strong and healthy life ever since then. Though not free of an internal torment that tore at my very being, as to why others saw me one way and not the way I saw myself.  Though I did not know it at the time, I realize now that God had his hand on me while in my mother’s womb through, and during all my health issues as I grew into a young adult and beyond. 

Psalm 121:5-8New International Version (NIV)

The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm
    he will watch over your life
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.

Shortly After entering the military, I married a wonderful woman by the name of Carolyn and had two fantastic Children, My son, Harold, and my daughter, Kathleen.  I remained married for 37 years until she succumbed to Cancer in 2003.

   However, I had a secret side! A side my family friends never knew existed!  A side I was afraid to accept!  I am a Trans Woman, and have been fighting that my entire life. Although, I did not really know what a trans woman was until less than a decade ago. Upon reaching the age of 62, I decided to give up my internal conflict and considered suicide.  But I know now God had other plans for me and once again He showed His love and stopped me from making that horrific mistake.  It was at this time I started my journey to be the woman I knew I was meant to be instead of the man I fought against my entire life.  I had no idea why this was so. I just knew deep down God would guide me and be there for me.  I went through two years of therapy and took a chance on losing everyone I loved and possibly my very life. I was  finally beginning to feel content, at first I thought my internal conflict was over. Before this no matter what I did, how much I loved God, or how much money I made, how hard I worked or even how much I drank I could not bury that inner woman.  After a miraculous conversion, I prayed constantly to have my thoughts and feelings of being a woman removed, to give me the piece I longed for and to remove my internal conflict. But the prayers never seemed to be answered, I walked away from the Church.

Most of the world believes my being a trans person may seem a detriment to being a good minister of the Lord, however, I see it as a way to help many lost souls that for one reason or another believe God does not care about them.  The added knowledge and excellent teaching provided through the infilling of the Spirt of God, will and has helped me to attain a ministry. That with Gods help, will guide me to reach those souls facing what seems unsurmountable issues, and find the Joy that our Lord and Savior can provide. And to guide those who do not understand our predicament and the predicament of others in our society with whatever, terror controls them to reach for the understanding and truth and love of God for those lost souls. Whether Gay or Lesbian, Transgender, divorced, in an adulterous relationship or for that matter, any other number of problems that touch us all in some way.  Without this Love first, things will never change. Only get worse.

    Allow me to digress for further understanding of my life of torment. I was raised a Catholic and walked away from God at 18 years old when I entered the military during the Vietnam War in 1965. At this time, I totally rejected the idea of a God completely in my mind.   I walked and lived without God in my life more than once. At least that is what I thought, I know now that He was there all along just as he promised. For the next 18 years, until one very drunk Thursday night. A friend, who had been witnessing to me about attending Church. And myself, being very drunk, as a Joke, decided to go as a joke. I continued to drink in her car as my wife and I headed to Church. After arrival in San Pedro, Calif. I continued to drink outside the Church and disrespectfully threw my beer can on the lawn as we went into the service. I will tell you right now "do not think God is a joke". On that night God’s love struck me hard. That Thursday night sermon is where I had my miraculous conversion. I went into the Church drunk and came out sober and saved. I was filled with the Holy Spirit that night and for the next 4 years followed Gods calling into the Ministry.

I lived with a secret I could not get away from. I was living a lie; a lie I had been living with my entire life. I felt convicted lying to the congregation and to my family, to my friends and everyone I met in my work and life. A lie, I could not reveal for fear of ridicule and hatred and loss of family and job, possibly even death. I was living with the secret lie of being a Transwoman. So in 1987 I walked away from my calling and fell into deep deprivation, I did things I am embarrassed to even mention for the next 28 years. I blamed God for not being there for me, for not answering my prayers. I was falling back into my beliefs that there was no God.  After all, if God was real why did he not help me with my torment and answer my prayers. The death of my wife did not bring me back, as I blamed God.  Deep down I knew God was real but I was in denial.   In 2013, I made a post of desperation on Facebook, asking, why? I even asked where my Savior was or would He deny me also. I continued to blame God for my life of terror even after this post.

Until one terrifying moment occurred. My best friend of 15 years, was almost killed in an automobile accident in March of 2015. I Happened to be talking with her on her hands free car phone.  I believe that is the moment God chose to bring me back. He allowed me to hear all the sounds of a horrific collision along with the sounds of screaming in terror and pain. The last thing I heard was my friend crying out to God for help. I know now that her cries to God not only saved her from death, but me also, as God held her and temporally pulled her from that pile of twisting metal. Then as fast as it started, all went silent. The phone went dead. I was left in darkness, not knowing if my friend was alive or dead, or possibly suffering in pain. I went crazy with fear as the hour’s drug by until I heard she was alive.  I, for the first time in years began talking to God again. I knew she would need help and knew I could not be that person to help her.

After all I was living in a sinful relationship with someone else. I couldn't desert her. I was supposed to have heart surgery and I was almost 3000 miles away.  At this point in my life I finally hit rock bottom and reached out to God. I knew then that God had used this incident to bring me back, to put the hook in my mouth and turn me about and to seek him. I knew this could possibly be my last chance. I had survived 3 heart attacks in the previous 2 years and yet did not turn back to God, I was supposed to have heart surgery with a specialist in Portland Oregon, and still did not turn to God. I finally began to pray, to ask God for guidance. I wanted to be there for my friend yet I knew the surgery was needed to save my life.  I could not travel to Florida to be with her, and give her the help I knew she would need. I began to pray regularly. Things started to change in my life and attitude. The relationship I was in began to fall apart and I knew I needed out of it. Prayed about it some more and the Lord spoke to me.  Almost imperceptibly, I heard a whisper saying, cancel the surgery I will be there for you as I was with her. So I finally heeded the word of God, Broke it off with my partner, canceled my heart surgery and headed back to Florida to my friend who needed my help.  I put my heart and life in God’s hands that very day. 

Upon my return to Florida we started attending the Church she attended. Where I was welcomed with open arms and the love of Christ. I finally knew my Lord never left me just as His word said and I rededicated my life to Him two weeks later. I will tell you now, as God is my witness, I never had to have the heart surgery and my heart is completely healed. I know that the moment I gave my heart, body and soul, over to God and put my heart in His hands that He knew then and there I finally trusted in Him explicitly.

This Church we were attending, did not sanitize sin to build their coffers.  It was a Church I did not have to hide in, to lie about myself, to continue to deceive.  I found Gods true love.  Medically I know my problem, and I know God knows my problem and we are working on it together for His Glory. I returned to college at 68 years old and received four, two year degrees in Biblical studies in just 6 months thanks to the guidance of Gods Spirit.

Now that you have a brief idea of how I got here let’s get started. Let’s get to the heart of the matter.  “Being Transgender and The Church”.  By attempting to put forth a scripturally based study coupled with scientific studies to corroborate my understanding and beliefs as to why and how the Church and society needs to change.  Through proper understanding I believe the very community that should love everyone the same,  and yet rejects transgender people,  will finally come to love and accept all transgender people with the love of Jesus.

I feel there is no better place to start, than with the definition of love according to Miriam Webster and most importantly Gods own words.

The technical dictionary definition of LOVE is as follows.

·    1a (1) :  strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties <maternal love for a child>(also as in a personal relationship with Jesus) (2) :  attraction based on sexual desire :  affection and tenderness felt by lovers (3):  affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests <love for his old schoolmates>b :  an assurance of affection <give her my love>

·    2:  warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion <love of the sea>

·    3a :  the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration <baseball was

·    his first love>b (1) :  a beloved person :  darling —often used as a term of endearment (2) British —used as an informal term of address

·    4a :  unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another: as (1) :  the fatherly concern of God for humankind (2) :  brotherly concern for othersb :  a person's adoration of God

·    5:  a god or personification of love

·    6:  an amorous episode:  love affair

·    7:  the sexual embrace:  copulation

·    8:  a score of zero (as in tennis)

·    9 Last but not least God.  Isn’t amazing that even a technical writing of a definition ends with one word.  God. 

But still, how can we ever define love to its fullest?

How can one truly define what love is? Certainly not in the context of a dictionary.  That may give us a start but will it truly and completely define Love.  Not even an experienced person can grasp or explain love to its truest and deepest meaning. Its concepts are just a never ending story of an open book of experiences. True love does lie in one's heart, where memories are but shadows lingering in your soul.

 Love is giving someone the power to break your heart, lose confidence in someone you have put a personal trust in, by the mere act of doing something you never thought they could do.  Often many lose trust in God, because of a tragic mishap or the loss of a family member, such as I myself did on several occasions.  When this happens we need to realize God does not randomly take one’s life, and in all things God has a purpose, even if it doesn’t seem that way at the time.  It is at this time we need to seek God even more for his loving comfort. We must realize that we all have an allotted time and we know not when that time is up. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2a to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven; A time to be born and a time to die. NKJV

Jesus showed us the ultimate love when he trusted completely in God the Father to honor his covenant with Him, as he allowed Himself to be crucified for mankind’s salvation, as He took on all the sins of the world for all time, suffering the worst kind of painful torture and death known to man.  Jesus was the sacrifice offered 3000 years earlier in place of Abrahams son Isaac.  He sacrificed Himself in our place out of His total love for God the Father and love for mankind, past, present and future. Among His final words on the cross Jesus spoke seven words, from them we can understand the totality of love and how we must be in our lives.  Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." Luke 23:34 NKJV   Jesus was and is the embodiment of love.

It is my belief that, without this totality of love we, fail the first and main commandment of all the commandments. Unless you love as commanded you do not have the works as spoken of in James 2:26 For the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. NKJV

Love is mentioned throughout the Bible in a multitude of ways, but never so importantly and emphatically put, as it is from The mouth of Jesus Himself in Mathew 22:35-40; Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it; You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commandments hang all the Law and Prophets." (NKJV)

Where do we go from here? How does this tie into being Transgender and The Church?

The answer to these two questions are actually quite simple.  Although, many Christians and non-Christians alike make the answer more difficult than needed.  It always seems that to more than not, it is easier to find a reason not to love or associate with a trans person, than to just love as Jesus would. If you do not have this kind of love and practice it with the complete loving trust of Jesus for your neighbor, you are missing the truth.   Please understand that, neighbor in the original sense and meaning in Greek is “plesion” “PLEY SION” as pronounced, and originally written in Mathew 22:40, as someone near or close.  This means you must love everyone who becomes close or near to you, and even your enemies and those you do not know.  Such as those you know or meet in Church or anyone who has any contact or influence on your life, past, present and future. Whether they are friend or foe, believer’s or non-believers, homo sexual or trans.  Even a criminal or murderer. Whether, they wrong you or not.  Not just as your next door neighbor as we understand the meaning of the word in our day and age.  Jesus loved everyone and accepted all and called all to come to him.  Not just the perfect, or those assumed to be perfect. All one has to do is look at those Jesus associated with, not just his disciples. 

 It is my belief that this Love of your neighbor is what Jesus means by turning the other cheek.   Mathew 5:38-42    You have heard it was said, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.  But I tell you not to resist an evil person.  But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.  If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also.  And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.  Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away (NKJV) This is the love of Christ.  All we need do is go to the very next few verses 43-48 to tie it all together.

You have heard that it was said, you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy, But I say to you. Love your enemies. Bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.  That you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you. Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others?  Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore, you shall be perfect just as your Father in heaven is perfect. (NKJV)

No matter whom shall enter your Church or your life, no matter even if they do not, know you or you know them, you need to strive and understand everyone and show your love by not speaking ill of anyone.  You need to show them the exact same love and acceptance as your closest family member or friend and the love of Jesus. For you have no idea what God has in mind for the person.  He may need him just as he is, in order to fulfil His calling by God.  Remember, everyone that enters into your life does so for a reason and placed there by God himself.  Everything that happens is for the ultimate glory of God.  It is not our decision to judge Gods will and the depth of his love for mankind.  This is the main case on Being Transgender and the Church.   For if you cannot love them as they are, then you are no better than they as you deny the fullness of the 2 greatest commandments. 

One needs to just read the following verses to understand how we need to love and why. Mathew7:21-23” Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord, ‘will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven, on that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name’? And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ NKJV

Love fulfills the law. Romans 13:8-13 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments,” You shall not commit adultery”,” You shall not murder”,” You shall not Steal”, “You shall not covet” NKJV, and whatever commandment there may be, are summed up in this one command; “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.

It does not matter what you believe the bible says about a person, but that you love them anyway and allow God to do his work on them.  Always remember, that perhaps that person is just as God needs them.  1st Corinthians 7:24 Brethren, let each one remain with “God in that state in which he was called” NKJV.  Mathew Henry’s Commentary puts it this way. “The rules of Christianity reach every condition; and in every state a man may live so as to be a credit to it. It is the duty of every Christian to be content with his lot, and to conduct himself in his rank and place as becomes a Christian.  Our comfort and happiness depend on what we are to Christ, not what we are in the world”. 

 Once you understand this love and act in its truth and understanding, then you are ready to accept the next step in knowing and understanding a Trans Person or for that matter any person in your Church or the world. God loves that person you may have rejected, how can you not. If you do, then you say you know better than God and make yourself out to be a liar and in turn call God a Liar, 1st James 4: 20,21 If someone says, I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he sees, how can he love God whom he has not seen.  And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also NKJV. 1st James 5:10 He who believes in the Son of God has witness in himself; he who does not believe God has made Him a Liar, because he has not believed testimony that God has given of His Son. Your heart in its purity of love can now be open for God’s Spirit to work a wonder in wisdom and understanding.  1st James 5:14, 15; Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  And if we know he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

It is not enough to just love and accept a person.  We must strive to understand that person and his or her problem as we perceive it.  We must, understand “The truth behind the person” if at all possible.  To alter our perception as taught us by our parents, friends, society as a whole and yes even the Church and more. Whether it was presented as fact or opinion. Why is that person the way they are, and are they directly against the Bible and God? While we must love all, the previous can and should be applied to all our brothers and sister’s believers or not.

 The main text of this writing will be on BEING TRANSGENDER/TRANSEXUAL AND THE BIBLE.  So from this point we shall pursue the facts of being trans and the biblical facts as put forth in the bible, in truth and understanding.  We shall explore if the teachings that have been used scripturally to condemn or show being transgender as an abomination and sin in the eyes of God, are indeed, fact or miss-interpretation, based on false knowledge and teachings as to why a person is transgender.  It is my belief that being Trans in its true sense of the word is not now, nor has it ever been an abomination to God.  I believe that upon the conclusion of this paper, that you will at least have a greater understanding of what being transgender is, and then will be able to allow Gods Spirit to work in truth and wisdom for your future acceptance of a trans person and others that you perceive as different.

I pray here for Wisdom and an open heart of understanding for what we are about to hear.  That Gods Spirit indwells us with all the wisdom and understanding of God the Father so we are able to decipher the truth from false assumptions. I pray this in Jesus Name.  Amen.

We of course must start in the most obvious place.  The beginning.   For it is here that the entirety of the argument on being Transgender stands.  Yes, there are other parts but no matter what, unless the beginning argument is found out to be true or false, all other arguments whether proven or false, are worthless in their entirety or part, in regards to the argument against or for.

Let me start by putting forth the exact argument that is generally preached in all denominations of the Christian Church, by many other religions around the world, and non-believers as well. Although to use this argument and say you are not a believer in God makes no sense.   How can you use God, and say you do not believe? It is either, “this or that”. You cannot say you do not believe in a God then use Him to win an argument.  Now I will admit, this argument in itself makes complete sense when presented, it is easy to understand and easiest to believe as to why being Trans is wrong and sinful. 

Argument number one, simple and straightforward.  I have heard this argument so many times I could never count the number of times it has been presented without proof or scripture backing.  It makes perfect sense and I believe completely in the statement.  “God doesn’t make mistakes”.  However, the statement itself is not proof one way or the other.  The mere truth of the statement can and will be shown as the reasoning for both sides of the argument.  Simply put.  “God makes no Mistakes”; do I believe this? Yes, Do I believe that because God makes no mistakes that mine or any other trans person’s Gender Identity is wrong? No.  Do I believe, that I was born this way, with a confusion as to my identity when my physical appearance was obviously different and declared by a doctor to be male when I know I am female?  Yes.  How can I believe that God makes no mistakes and yet say I am a woman and look like a man?  To answer this question, we must first understand the statement “God makes no Mistakes” in the context of sex or gender and context of the statement based on biblical proof.

To do this we will start in the beginning. We will go back to Verse 1 of the Bible. The following is my interpretation as I see it.   I used the standard hermeneutical method of study to determine my belief.  I know there are other interpretations of the same verses that may not be exactly the same as mine.  However, in each other case the end result should still end up with the end result being the same.  I am not attempting to change your beliefs only to present what I believe to be the truth according to scripture and scientific fact.   Ultimately you should always take my teachings and beliefs and fact check for yourself.  What I present should form a basis for any study you might strive to undertake.  I only want knowledge and understanding that will hopefully show that Being Transgender and The Church is not a sin, and that even if it is, the love of Jesus should and will always come first.

Gen 1: `1-25 In The Beginning. …….. and God saw that it was good.   These verses encompassed the creation of the heavens and the Earth prior to the creation of man. Now let’s move onto verse 26a, b; Then God said, Let Us …(plural)… make man in Our… (plural)…Image. According to Our (plural)… likenessThe Trinity of God is brought forth in this very verse.  God is mentioned as more than one 3 times.  Then we skip ahead to v 27; So God created man in His Own Image (singular); in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (plural).  At this point we now see the singular use in reference to God, I believe that this shows God the Father creating mankind in His image, which is Spirit. It is my belief that the creation of mankind was at this time in the spirit of God perfect in all ways.  My confusion lies in the placement of male and female in the same part of a single sentence showing completion in perfection.  If we look at the last word of the previous sentence “him” we see that it is not capitalized, thus we know that this portion of the verse is talking about God’s creation of mankind.  I see and believe that at this point in man’s creation he was created singular, one person in the image of God with the attributes of male and female in spirit.  Is there a fleshly body involved yet?  Unknown at this time. One thing is obvious Man was first created as both male and female, just like God has the attributes of both genders in some way, man does also. This was, at this time, the “perfect creation” of mankind. 

Skip ahead now to Gen 2: after God rested on the seventh day.  Are we to assume That verse 7 is out of order and should have been in chapter one prior to the 7th day.  I personally believe this is not the case.  Let’s look at this closely.  In gen 1:27 we see man as a spirit both male and female. Skip ahead to Gen 2:7; And the Lord God formed man of dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.  This is the point in time that mankind became a created living being with a fleshly body, not just spirit as in chapter 1:27.  Exactly when this happened in relationship to the 7th day is hard to determine. That is not the important part here, although many might make it so. One thing we must understand, man is still both male and female at this time.  Why”? because God did not create a help mate for Adam until later when he saw that Adam needed a helpmate.

God was three in one, and in his perfectness of spirit, loneliness was not known to God.  He had his son, and the holy spirit to enjoy all of His creation with. How could one perfect being such as God be lonely. He did not need mankind.  But he created us anyhow.   So we have a single living being that has the attributes of both male and female in his spirt.  Man was told back in Gen 1: 28 to go forth and multiply. How?  he was one in spirit.  God must make him flesh as he does in Gen 2:7, but he is still a spirit being, unable to procreate, or was he? That we will never know. We do know, he needed a helpmate, this helpmate would be the same in spirit as Adam but different in flesh and design.  Thus , as put forth in Gen 2:21,22; And the Lord thy God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of Adams ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into woman, and He brought her to the man.  At this very moment in time man and woman are separate in flesh and equal in spirit.  We have no reason to believe, God also split the spirit. Outwardly separated into male and female, in spirit both male and female.  We have no reason to believe God changed and separated his spirit in each to be singular, male in Adam and female in Eve.  And in this way God has created man and woman perfectly in the image of God in spirit, yet different as a created being. Still perfect.  Still sinless perfection as they go forth and multiply, is obvious and will happen as long as they remain in Gods sinless perfection.  At this time all of Adam and Eves offspring would be born in perfection sinless for eternity.  The perfectness of God. Yes “god does not make mistakes”.

Then it all comes to an end.  Sin enters into the world.  Mankind’s free will brings to fruition the fall of mankind.  The moment Eve disobeyed God and partook of the fruit of good and evil sin entered the world and their spirit became dead to God.  No more could perfection be achieved by man.  From this point forward until Jesus comes back in the second coming to raise us all up in perfect bodies, sin will be in the world. 1st Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the sound of the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. KJV All of the descendants of Adam and Eve will be born in sin.  Perfection is no longer possible as God had ordained it before the fall of man.  That means, that any manner of change or alteration of man’s offspring can and will be born in sin, corruptible, and imperfect.  Leaving each offspring until Jesus returns the second time with the possibility of imperfection.  Our physical and internal makeup could and will change over time. Our minds can be altered at the time of conception as a result of our father’s sins.  Deuteronomy 5:9-10 says, "I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, and on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing loving kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments." NKJV

The following example taken from live action news.com, is in my opinion, one of the most horrific examples of the lack of perfection in the womb after the fall of man.  And shows most complete lack of love by a man and a woman, and yet the truest form of godly love by another man and woman.

“Two Hospital Employees Adopt Unwanted Baby Born Without Nose or Eyelids”

         In what is a shocking response from parents, Baby Adam's family refused to take him home from the hospital after he was born. Then, they went even further, adding that, if they did take him home, Baby Adam would be poisoned! When his birth parents saw that Adam was born without his eyelids, a nose, or hands, and that his legs were fused together, they were ashamed to call him their son. It is hard not to judge, not knowing the whole story, but most parents would do anything for their children, no matter the hardship. Unfortunately, that is not what happened for Adam.”

“Raja and Jessica Paulraj, a hospital administrator and nurse who had been working with Adam, knew they had to do something. The couple decided that they would adopt this precious child. Adam was born with the rare genetic disorder called Bartsocas-Papas Syndrome. To combat the effects of the disease, this brand-new family traveled from Northern India to North Carolina. There, a team of doctors donated their services to save little Adam's life. Even though the doctors had given their time, Adam's medical bills were mounting. The hospital workers and surrounding community came together and raised $100,000 for this beloved tiny guy, all in only a week's time.”

Thanks to the aid of Raja, Jessica, and a loving community, Baby Adam got the help he needed. He was able to close his eyes and mouth for the first time. Adam loves spending time with his parents and giggles as his dad plays with him.”

Will Adam be okay? His doctor, John van Aalst, says much remains to be done, but adds, "Is he going to be perfect? Yes, he's already Perfect.” I add here, Perfect according to most of mankind NO, (as seen by the reaction of his very own parents) perfect in Gods Eyes YES.  The real perfection here was in the love shown by the adoptive parents.   It shows the true love of God the Father.  He sees us in perfection no matter the defect.

Many will say being transgender is all in our minds, a choice we make, we have a disorder, mentally unstable, God doesn’t make mistakes, just repent and live as God made you.   First and easiest debunking.  If we have a mental disorder, is that not a medical or biological problem of the brain.  Just as in many other mental conditions mankind is born with. We know that mental disorders cannot be cured only controlled.  Not every generation will have the same problem. It can skip generations and then reappear.  God’s perfection is not present here, except in the love He has for His creation.  So if you wish to say a trans person has a mental disorder, you should be able to work with it either by therapy or drugs.  Even spiritual counseling should be able to help with it and keep it under control.  Sadly, I will have to say, that is absolutely not the case.

It has been proven that a trans person does not have a mental disorder.  Instead they now have what is called a dysphoria.  A condition brought about by a real immutable belief that the trans person has a complete belief that they are, were or have been born in the wrong body of the Gender they identify with and not what the physical appearance is.  No studies were done over the centuries about this problem., there was just no way to properly diagnose the problem until recently with the advancement of medical technology and scientific studies. It is a known fact that trans people have been around since recorded time.  In some instances, they were accepted, in others condemned. In some instance taken advantage of by those of power or wealth.  Forced to do things unlawful to God. But still loved in God’s perfection.  In many societies from ancient times until today trans people were thought of as two-spirited and respected as being special and a gift to mankind not an abomination.

 It has always the thought in most of so called civilized society, that being trans was a sexual perversion of some form. The vast majority thought of to be a trans person in the past was due to society forcing their morals on those that were considered weaker and of lower class of people.  Forced to commit homosexual acts and male prostitution. Not only in the past but in our present time. This was and is, mainly due to the sexual perversions of those who abused or are abusing them for sexual gratification.  As I said earlier, even in this modern world, transgender women are forced into the sex trade in order to survive in a hostile unaccepting world.

Unlike the past, now, due to the fact of more openness and the work of medical doctors and researchers we know that being trans is a proven biological problem that happens in the womb. In the first tri-mester the physical characteristics of sex is determined, then in the second or third tri-mester the gender identity of the brain is determined based on the dominant male or female hormone in control at this time.  Thus, one can have the characteristics of one sex and a mind that is of the opposite gender.  This is what Gender identity really is. It is not, nor does it have anything to do with sexual desires. The brain cannot be changed, it is not a choice, it cannot be altered, it will always remain as the gender it was created to be.  This internal conflict with an external look creates unbelievable pain and suffering. Anguish that gets worse and worse over time and will 40 % of the time end up in death by suicide fighting the terror of the internal conflict.  The only known cure is to alter the outward appearance to co-inside with the internal design of the brain. Yes, we do have a choice, change our outward appearance or die.  I myself began to choose the second option, however, as I said earlier, I believe God had other plans for me and personally stopped me from killing myself.  Is there proof of this biological condition? Yes, and I will now briefly go over the proof in a way I hope is understandable, with sources. However, I suggest that in the near future, you take the time to thoroughly understand the studies I will provided here.  The sources I have provided at the end of this paper are provided for you to do your own fact finding and verify them yourself as you wish and to provide credibility to my own research on this matter. But first, allow me to share the most recent article I found at the time of writing this paper. Here it is in entirety as I copied it.

Check the Science: Being Trans Is Not a 'Choice'

By Leslie P. Henderson MAY 24,2016

The author is a professor of physiology and neurobiology at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and a former fellow of the Op Ed Project.

Why you should care

Because 40 percent of trans people have tried to kill themselves.

The countersuits being brought by the federal government and states such as North Carolina over the use of bathrooms by transgender individuals encompass many complex issues on federal versus states’ rights. But they also highlight a critical, common and incredibly damaging misperception: that gender and biology are two separate things. A letter writer to my local paper notes with respect to the Obama administration’s actions dictating bathroom policy, “Strangely enough, it seems to be predicated on the idea that one’s gender is a matter of choice rather than biology.”

The writer is right — it is biology, but not in the way he means. I have spent more than two decades studying sex-specific differences in the brain. I hazard a guess that I know more than most people on this issue, although I also know that we scientists have only a rudimentary understanding of how genetic, epigenetic, hormonal and environmental factors interact during brain development and into adulthood to form the incredibly diverse and complex spectrum that forms gender roles and gender identity.

But, I know for damn sure that biology is a big part of it, and it is not simply what sex gets put on your birth certificate — an assignment that is predominantly based on whether or not one has a penis. There are numerous biological conditions, such as androgen insensitivity syndrome, 5-alpha reductase deficiency or Rokitansky syndrome, in which individuals with either XY and XX chromosomes are born without a normal vagina or uterus but also without a penis, and are nearly always assigned to be “a girl.”

It has to do with the biology of your brain.

What most people don’t know is that our brain is both literally and figuratively our biggest sex organ. The parts of our brain that control behaviors that have to do with sex and things that differ by sex are exquisitely sensitive to hormones and chemicals that can mimic hormones. They also express genes in patterns that differ between males and females.

What’s more, the factors that regulate these brain regions do so not only during the hormonal rages of puberty but also early on in our development. In humans and other animals, these brain regions are molded to be different from before the time we are born. Once established, many of these changes are permanent. And while we may not fully understand all of these early actions, they are key to sex-specific behaviors, sexual preferences and, just as likely, gender identity.

We don’t know how or if nonhuman animals have a sense of gender, and so can’t study that experimentally. But we do know that male versus female partner preferences in rodents can be changed by altering those brain regions that govern sexual behaviors. We also know that that there are significant differences between cis- and transgender individuals in brain structures and the connections between them; these are correlated with differences in behaviors, such as processing of positive affective and erotic imagery.

Brain differences are biological. We should know then that to be transgender is not a choice.

There is evidence to suggest that increased levels of gender dysphoria (i.e., the variance between gender identity and chromosomal sex) may result from developmental exposure to abnormal hormone environments, especially increased levels of androgens in XX fetuses that can occur in conditions such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Anecdotally, my neuroscience colleague Ben Barres has suggested that prenatal exposure to testosterone-like drugs may explain his own transgender identity.

In humans, care must always be taken relating correlation to causation. Differences in brain structures may reflect mutual interactions among innate brain processes, expressed gender roles and society’s response to those actions. But brain differences are biological.

We should know then that to be transgender is not a choice.

It is not a choice when meta-analysis of suicide rates indicates that lifetime prevalence of attempted suicide in transgender individuals is ~40 percent as opposed to ~4 percent in the overall population. It is not the same as deciding whether you will wear a red tie or a green one.

It is a choice for us to educate those who mistakenly believe that allowing transgender people to use bathrooms appropriate for their identity endangers women and children. Such people either do not know transgender people or, more likely, know them but do not know they are transgender. And those that believe that real sexual predators will be dissuaded by a sign on a bathroom door are truly lost.

It is a choice for those of us who study the complexities of biology and the human brain to inform those who are not neuroscientists so that they can understand why it is not “a choice” for transgender people; it is who they are.

For purposes of understanding let me briefly explain some terms you may have heard or read or will hear or see today.

 Cis-gender…. A person born as natural male or female with no Gender identity issues. 

Intersex…one who is born with some form of characteristics of both sexes.  Often times quite visible, though not always.

Crossdresser…. Formerly known as a Transvestite. …. Almost 100% male to female. A person who gets sexual gratification from dressing in the clothing of the opposite sex. Either partial as in just wearing the panties of a woman or dressing entirely as a woman and going out in public as such. This is how they satisfy themselves sexually and the only reason they do it. They do not identify as a member of the opposite sex. (This is a choice of sexual desire). 

Drag Queen /Drag King… a person who is 90 percent of the time a gay individual, sometimes straight, and very rarely a transgender/transsexual.  They are entertainers and will only dress when performing a part. (when you find a drag queen that is transgender, it is usually due to the fact that this is the only employment they can find due to discrimination, thus they are forced into a lifestyle they do not want and will identify as trans even though they are working in a field they do not usually care for.)

Transgender…. A person who identifies as a member of the opposite sex due to an immutable knowledge that they are in the wrong body and should have the physical appearance of the gender they identify with. Most Transgender people have not yet taken steps to alter their physical appearance to match their internal gender identity.  

Transsexual…. A person who has undertaken the medical steps necessary to change their physical appearance to match their internal Gender identity and thus eliminate the internal conflict that controls their life. 

The unfortunate part, and a major reason there is much confusion and lack of understanding, is the mere fact that all of these groups or titles so to speak, are put under the umbrella of transgender by the media and those who speak of it.  Because of this the term, Transgender is used by each group as well.  For various reasons, a crossdresser/transvestite prefers to use the term Transgender because it carries less negativity than the historical title given them.  Transgender of course uses the title given them, Transsexual people generally use transgender as an easy means of stating their identity because that has also become the go to name in medical circles as well as society as a whole. Also because the word transsexual carries sexual connotations, which they wish to get away from since their transition has nothing to do with sexual orientation.   In all cases, due to lack of a better title, they use the term Transgender or Trans person, as I will in this paper.

Special note here.  The proper term when talking of a person that fits one of these categories is Transgender or Trans person or in the case of more than one, Trans people.  It is improper in literary terms to use the terms trans genders, transsexualism, or transgendered.   As an example that would be the same as to say a black man was blacked. In no circumstances should the term TRANNY be used.  This is tantamount to using the N word.

Transwoman…a person who identifies as a woman instead of her birth declared sex of male.  Using the most famous transwoman of our time as an example.  Caitlyn Jenner formerly Bruce Jenner A trans woman should be called by the female terms of her or she.

Transman…opposite of transwoman.   As Chaz Bono formerly Chastity Bono. A transman prefers to be addressed as him or he. 

Gender Identity Disorder.  No longer used in scientific circles.  Research has shown that being trans is not a mental disorder as first indicated by the psychological and analytical community.

Gender Identity Dysphoria, ….. People who have gender dysphoria feel strongly that they are not the gender they physically appear to be………………………………For example, a person who has a penis and all other physical traits of a male might feel instead that he is actually a female. That person would have an intense desire to have a female body and to be accepted by others as a female. Or, someone with the physical characteristics of a female would feel her true identity is male. Feeling that your body does not reflect your true gender can cause severe distress, anxiety, and depression. "Dysphoria" is a feeling of dissatisfaction, anxiety, and restlessness. With gender dysphoria, the discomfort with your male or female body can be so intense that it can interfere with the way you function in normal life, for instance at school or work or during social activities. Gender dysphoria used to be called “gender identity disorder.” But the mismatch between body and internal sense of gender is not a mental illness. Instead, what needs to be addressed are the stress, anxiety, and depression that go along with it.

 Of course in society mankind always seems to believe they need to label others.   We are humans not things to be labeled.  Gods fallen creation from the beginning.  Do we need titles, yes unfortunately, to ease understanding but the mere fact of titles separates us and creates inequality, when we really are all equal and the same in Gods eyes?  Gal 3:28 Their is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or female, for you are all “one in Christ Jesus” NKJV.    We should also look at Romans 10:10-12 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  For the scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call on Him. ‘For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”   Nowhere does it say “unless your “…. scripture says “whoever”.

With that in mind let’s move on to the research information.   Most will find this very hard to follow because of some of the medical terms.  I will try to make it as simple as possible in hopes of giving you a layman’s understanding.

There have been many scientific research projects all over the world to determine the validity and causes of Trans People.  Though many from the past were left with questionable results due to the total lack of visibility in the trans community having very few subjects for study purpose that were willing to let a harsh society know who they were, for fear of retribution.  In the past few years more accurate studies have been conducted with larger test groups and better equipment, bringing about a more accurate and greater understanding of the Trans person.  However, the only completely accurate 100% full proof test has to be done on a deceased subject so the brain can be properly dissected and studied.  Unfortunately, there are many out there that feel all trans people should be killed, for study purposes or otherwise.  As proven by the fact that the trans community has the highest per capita murder rate in the world. Most of the world has no love for a trans person, that to me is despicable and needs to change, and that can only happen with education and understanding leading to acceptance and love.  Now of course, due to more openness in the world, there is a greater abundance of transgender subjects to study that are deceased, thus bringing to light more information, both before and after medical changes, allowing researchers to now start to develop enough research information with a higher degree of accuracy. An accuracy that soon will show us exactly what is going on in the transgender brain and body.  Although the small amount of studies so far indicates no significant difference in results as when studying live subjects.  Indicating that there is accuracy in the studies on live test subjects. I have included a compilation of different studies showing the significant differences in trans subjects as compared to cis-gender subjects.   You will find a list at the end of this paper with the sources if you wish to research this yourself. 


Test result compilations along with evidential result statistics.

The Transgender Brain, or “It’s all in their head – no, really!”

It’s clear that a significant segment of human society has difficulty accepting that transsexuality is a real medical condition which is part of our inherited genetics. The common tactic of the blatant transphobe is to dismiss trans people as freaks, psychopaths, pedophiles and all sorts of deviant monsters deserving of involuntary institutionalism and even death. The casual transphobe, or crafty one, will instead often use phrasing, like the following that was copied from an online debate.

“Hey, I don’t care if someone thinks they’re Napoleon. Whatever. But don’t expect me to salute them or call them Emperor. That would make me as crazy as they are. This is just common sense, people.

Sadly, as seen in any political debate, “common sense” is a meaningless phrase loaded with contrived meaning, almost always uncommon and insensible. “We want common sense measures to keep dangerous weapons off our streets!” versus “Giving people the ability to defend themselves against criminals is just common sense!” With so much “common sense” out there, it’s amazing that anything ever goes wrong!

So let’s try to dispense with “common sense,” and editorializing upon such, and look at the facts. I’m going to address the following points in order:

  • How the genitals and brain develop their respective gendering, and significant cases of brain and genital misalignment resulting from endogenous or exogenous chemicals.
  • Clues given to us from hereditary studies.
  • Karyotype aberrations from the normal XX and XY chromosomes.
  • Several significant differences from the average population which have been found in the brains of transsexuals.
  • Contrary research which indicates there may be either a limited or no difference between the brains of transsexuals and the general population.

Brain Development

Gender identity was once thought of as being entirely a social construct, with most of our gender formation occurring between the ages of 1-4. (Bao, Gooren 2006) In the 21st century, the general thought is that gender identity is programmed at birth, although social factors can potentially overwhelm this programming. One tragic example is the “John-Joan-John” case, where a boy who lost his penis at 8 months was surgically turned into a girl, including the administration of estrogens and receiving psychological counseling. Although raised a girl all her life, she had the unshakeable feeling that she was in fact a boy. She transitioned back to male at age 14, and attempted to live as a male, but eventually, due to financial instability and a failing marriage, committed suicide. (Bao) An all too common event in the trans community.   48% of all Trans people attempt suicide with 41% succeeding. 

It’s common to hear the phrase “all babies start out female, and it’s only later that they become male,” and this is at least partially true. In fact, the influence of testosterone on a fetus has been described as a refeminization process, changing a fetus which was essentially predestined to be female into male. (Gooren, 2006) Testosterone production and the conversion of some

testosterone to dihydrotestosterone between weeks 6 and 12 of pregnancy is critical for the initial development of male features, such as the penis, prostate gland, and scrotum. (Bao) In the absence of these male hormones, female genitalia develop instead. Brain development, however, does not occur in earnest until the second half of the pregnancy term, after the genitals have been developed, and the continued presence of male hormones results in a brain which has subtle, but critical physical differences from the female brain. (Bao)

The fact that the brain and the genitals develop at different times in the womb mean that a misalignment between the genitals and brain may develop, leading to either an intersex condition, or a transgender individual.

Example 1:          Women with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) develop bodies which are almost entirely female, and they tend to be sexually oriented towards men – despite having an XY karyotype. (Bao, Gooren 2006) Often, there is no indication the child is anything but female until surgery or an x-ray reveals the presence of undescended testes. (Gooren, 2006) Or as we are able to do now a Proper Chromosome test to determine the actual karyotype rather than guess by visual means.

Example 2:          Either a 5α-reductase-2 or a 17β-hydroxyl-steroid dehydrogenase-3 deficiency will prevent the formation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which will result in an XY karyotype baby girl with a large clitoris. However, when puberty arrives the girl will discover to her alarm that her clitoris grows significantly, her testes descend, and she will begin to take on masculine features. (Bao, Gooren 2006) Even though children with these birth defects are raised as girls, about 60% will become heterosexual males. (Bao) A Brazilian study found that of 25 5α-reductase-2 affected babies who were raised as girls, 13 changed their gender identity to male after puberty. (Gooren, 2006) Another study found that about 50% of 17β-hydroxyl-steroid dehydrogenase-3 affected babies changed their gender identity back to male at puberty. (Gooren, 2006) What these results indicate to us is that testosterone likely more directly impacts the organization of the fetal brain than dihydrotestosterone. (Bao)

Example 3:          Boys with an XY karyotype who are born with a cloacal exstrophy (where they are either partly or completely missing a penis) are typically changed surgically into “girls” just after birth, and are given female hormone therapy and counseling. However, about half of these new girls later determine that they are really boys, and change their social gender when they become teenagers or adults. (Bao, Gooren 2006)

Example 4:          Girls with an XX karyotype born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) (meaning they were exposed to high levels of testosterone in the womb) tend to develop male social tendencies and male personality features. (Hines, Zucker) They tend to be described by their parents as “tomboys”, with a high energy level. (Gooren, 2006) CAH girls are 100-300 times as likely to be transsexual, compared to the general female population, and 1 in 20 have serious gender identity problems. (Bao) One study found that 37% of CAH girls classified themselves as either lesbian or bisexual, a number far greater than the general population. (Gooren, 2006)

Example 5:          Phenobarbital or diphantoin administered to pregnant women as anticonvulsants can increase the chance of giving birth to a transsexual child. (Bao, Dessens) The belief, not proven conclusively at this juncture, is that these chemicals disrupt the influence of testosterone on the brain in the womb. (Bao, Swaab) In other cases, it’s believed that prenatal exposure to estrogens, progestin’s, and ant androgenic chemicals could suppress endogenous testosterone production by interfering with the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. However, studies have focused largely on sexual preference as a result of this exposure, rather than gender identity, and in general these drugs were primarily only given to pregnant women between 1940-1970. (Gooren, 2006) There is some evidence that exposure to DDT could be responsible for increased polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women, increased idiopathic oligospermia (IO) in men, and increased transsexualism. Notably, transmen are found to often have PCOS, while transwomen often have IO. (Balen, Dorner) One study found transmen were 32.5% more likely to have endocrine dysfunction than XX karyotype women. (Futterweit)

Example 6:          Kallmann’s Syndrome, a condition which occurs due to deficiency of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. The result can be an adult who has a loss of secondary sex characteristics. It is found much more frequently in genetic males than in genetic females, and male sufferers typically have what the medical literature describes as “eunuchoid growth,” with delayed or absent puberty, undeveloped infantile genitals, sparse body hair growth, a high-pitched voice, and other feminine features. Some of those with Kallmann’s Syndrome will become transsexual, although this is rare. (Meyenburg, 2001)

Even in these factual cases, questions remain about the connection between genetic and physical factors and gender identity. For example, why wouldn’t a preponderance of those with cloacal exstrophy feel they were boys? This likely attests either to the complexity of the physical processes involved, randomness in our development process, or the intense pressures social upbringing can exert upon both our gender and sexual attraction.

Other recent studies cast some question on what is more important in creating a feminized brain – the presence of two X chromosomes, or the presence of a Y chromosome and a sufficient level of testosterone. It’s a subtle argument, which essentially is trying to determine if hormones are the only differentiator between male and female brains, or whether there are other factors. One study which compared XX, XXY, and XY individuals came to the conclusion that having two X chromosomes is responsible for differences in the formation of the amount of gray matter in the cerebrum and precentral areas of the brain. However, the presence of testosterone appeared to be responsible for differences in the amygdala, Para hippocampus, and occipital cortex. Thus, any condition which would reduce or interfere with the testosterone that the fetus was exposed to could result in an intersex or transgender brain. However, it is also possible that XXY individuals may have other compounding factors which can skew the data. (Lentin)

Heredity Studies

Transwomen who are sexually attracted to men have been found to be more likely to be the younger or youngest children in families with more brothers than sisters. (Bao) A study of 417 transwomen and 96 transmen found that transwomen had significantly more maternal aunts than uncles, while transmen showed no clear trends. Interestingly, this trend was strongest in lesbian transwomen, while an even stronger trend was seen for asexual transsexuals of both birth sexes, where they had more maternal uncles than aunts. (Green & Keverne) There is some speculation that this could be a result of a defect in the X chromosome from the mother, similar to Fragile-X syndrome. Twin studies have shown a hereditary component for gender identity dysphoria (GID). (Swaab) One study of gender identity dysphoria in 314 twins found a heritable trait – and thus, implying strong genetic trait – as being 62% likely. (Coolidge) In some rare cases, two or more transsexuals have been born into a single family generation, (Green, Sabalis, Sadeghi) and in some cases transsexualism has been inherited from a transsexual parent. (Green)

Karyotype Aberrations

None of the cases above address profound karyotype aberrations, such as Klinefelter’s syndrome (47,XXY karyotype males, or 47,XXY/46,XY mosaics, or even the exceedingly rare 47,XXY/46,XX mosaicism), which can occur in 1 out of 1,000 male births. (Khandelwal) Other karyotype aberrations of note include 47,XYY males and 47,XXX females. In all of these cases the individual can develop gender identity disorder and become a transsexual (Khandelwal);

Evidence for Physical Differences in the Transgender Brain

Despite the many profound genetic aberrations which can occur to create a transgender individual, most do not fall under any of the examples listed above. Here we must look to much subtler evidence, and the majority of studies searching for a physical cause for transgender individuals have found physiological and genetic differences which can be tested and measured. And most of these differences are found in our brains.


This is a single MRI slice through the center of a brain which was done when the doctors were trying to diagnose intersex hormone condition. It was suspected that this person had a pituitary adenoma or tumor, but it turns out the brain is in absolutely perfect shape, excepting a pineal gland cyst of no real significance at this juncture.

Before we look at the results of brain studies, there are some points of scientific fairness which need to be addressed. The first one is that all of the physical manifestations which are listed below are subtle effects. You will not see these on an X-ray, nor even an MRI without specifically looking for them. If the differences in the brains of transsexuals were significant and profound, we wouldn’t be faced with having to continually justify their existence and alleged “motivations” in the first place. The second thing to note is that the uncertainty values of many of these studies are quite high, because there is significant variation in the brains of individuals from person to person. Finally, we need to recognize that because a trans person is a “rare and beautiful creature,” and so many are closeted and unwilling to participate in studies, many of these studies have only examined a very small sample sizes of transsexuals.

Keeping all of that in mind, let us look at the evidence.

  • XY karyotype men have about twice the volume and twice the number of neurons as XX karyotype women in two regions of the brain, called the BSTc and INAH3 regions. (Bao, Kruijver) An early study of cadaver brains found that transwomen have roughly the same numbers of neurons in these areas as XX women (Zhou), and this has been backed up by further non-invasive imaging studies. (Bao, Kruijver) A single transman who was tested was found to have an XY male number of neurons.(Bao, Kruijver) However, it should be noted that in the imaging study, the differences from person to person were somewhat wide-ranging, and the sample sizes were very small.

http://transascity.org/files/science/Brain1.jpgFrom Bao – note the similarity between female and MtF subjects – note “CAS” refers to the “castrated male” group.

  • MRI data from 24 transwomen who had not started hormone treatment revealed that while their overall grey matter appeared similar to that of XY karyotype males, they possessed a significantly larger amount of grey matter in the right putamen. In fact, the grey matter structure of the transwomen was much closer to those seen in XX karyotype female subjects. In short, while the brains of the transwomen resembled XY male brains in terms of grey matter, in one specific region their brains appeared to be “feminized.” (Luders)
  • A study of the white matter in the brains of 18 transmen, 24 XY karyotype males, and 19 XX karyotype females using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) showed that the white matter structure of transmen was much closer to that of XY males than XX females. In fact, the white matter of their brain differed from the XY males only in a single region of the brain, whereas they differed from the XX women in three regions of the brain. None of the transmen had received hormone treatment at the time of the study. (Rametti, 2011) A follow-up study by the same researchers found that after the transmen had received hormone treatment, significant changes occurred in their brains, making them appear even more masculinized in certain regions which are associated with XY males. (Rametti, 2012)


From Rametti (2011) – note where F-toM subjects lie, right between female and male subjects, and identical to males in one region.

  • A positron emission tomography (PET) study showed that smelling androgens (male pheromones) caused transwomen to respond in the hypothalamus region of their brain in a manner similar to XX karyotype women. However, smelling estrogen-based pheromones also caused them to respond in the hypothalamus region in a manner similar to XY karyotype men. This combination of results suggests that transwomen occupy an “intermediate position with predominantly female features” in the way the hypothalamus reacted. (Berglund)
  • An MRI study of 22 transwomen and 28 transmen examined the shape of the corpus callosum in the brain at a specific cross-sectional plane, and compared this shape with that observed in 211 XY karyotype males and 211 XX karyotype females. Their results demonstrated that not only could the sex of the patient be determined with 74% accuracy from the MRI picture, but the shapes of the brains in the transsexuals strongly reflected their gender, and not their biological sex. (Yokota)


From Yokota – note the shape and skewing of the histograms – MTF subjects are closer to females than males, and FTM subjects are closer to males than females.

  • A recent study examined cortical thickness in the brain between 29 XY karyotype males, 23 XX karyotype females, 24 transmen, and 18 transwomen. None of the transsexual subjects had received any hormone treatment prior to the study. Using an MRI, the researchers found that the transwomen had more cortical thickness than the XY males in three regions of the brain. The transmen showed evidence of masculinization of their grey matter. In all transsexuals studied, the key differences from their biological sex were found in the right hemisphere. (Zubiaurre)

From Zubiaurre – note http://transascity.org/files/science/Brain4.jpg   again where FtM subjects lie in the comparison.

  • Testing of a chemical produced in our bodies called “brain-derived neurotropic factor” (BDNF) in 45 transwomen found that when they were compared with 66 XY karyotype male control subjects, the transwomen had significantly lower levels of BDNF. However, this could be a result of higher stress levels and higher emotional trauma levels in the transsexual sampling. It should also be noted that no women control subjects were compared in this study. (Fontanari)
  • Genetic testing of 112 transwomen and 258 XY karyotype male control subjects found that the transwomen had significant differences in androgen receptor genes. The result of this difference could lead to less effective testosterone signaling, meaning that there would be significantly less “masculinization” of the brain in the womb. This would result in a brain which was much more feminized, leading to a female gender identity. (Hare)
  • An admittedly small study of 9 post-operative transwomen showed their brain activation was similar to women when viewing pictures showing erotic male images. (Oh) However, this study doesn’t so much address the root cause of the transsexuality as it shows that their sexual attraction towards men led to the same brain reaction as seen in heterosexual women.

Evidence Which May Indicate or Imply Physical Differences in the Transgender Brain

A 2013 study from Taiwan compared transsexuals with control subjects using two different assessments. In the first comparison, 41 transwomen were compared against 38 control subjects in a behavioral study to see how they would respond to pornographic short films. The results showed that transwomen overwhelmingly saw themselves in the role of their mental gender while watching the films. The second study was objective rather than subjective, and used functional MRI to compare the brains of 23 transwomen who had not been treated with hormones with 23 age-matched control subjects. The result was a significant difference in brain activity, primarily in the dorsal and pregenual ACC regions of the brain, between the transwomen and the controls. These regions of the brain are typically associated with processing feelings of social exclusion and emotional conflicts, so this may not indicate a difference in the brain due to gender identity differences, but rather a difference due to the negative social results of gender identity differences. (Ku, 2013) fcMRIFrom Ku – H-/TXs are transwomen, and fcCONs are controls.

Evidence Against Physical Differences in the Transgender Brain

In opposition to these studies, however, there are some studies which have found no significant differences between the brains of transsexuals and the population at large.

  • Early studies directly examining the corpus callosum in the brains of 20 transsexuals found no significant differences on a gross level between their brains and those of 40 control subjects. (Emory) However, The MRI technology which was employed was relatively new at the time of the study (1991).
  • A study of four sex-sensitive mental processes (rotation of an object, visualization of objects, perception, and verbal skills) found no significant differences between transwomen and XY karyotype males. However, analysis of the results actually showed biological sex only influenced rotation and visualization, and previous results showing XY versus XX differences in perception and verbalization were not shown. This could point to a flaw in the study, as other studies have shown significant differences. (Haraldsen)
  • Many studies have pointed to the difference between the length of the index finger and the ring finger being an indicator of androgen exposure before birth. In a “normal” XY karyotype male, the index finger is significantly shorter than the ring finger, which has led some to question whether transwomen with that same finger pattern have any significant physiological differences from XY males. However, as noted above gendering of the brain is not due to just simple androgen exposure, and studies have found the finger-length test to be poor, with a 60% overlap between XY men and XX women. (Gooren, 2006)
  • A study of 30 transwomen and 31 transmen found only two transwomen possessed a detectable DNA defect. (Hengstschläger) This study has been criticized for being too small and for not looking deep enough into the genome to find potentially subtle differences in genetics. However, a sample size of 61 transsexuals is at least average, if not larger than average, and the study otherwise seems sound.
  • Recently, there has been some focus on differentiating transsexual women who are attracted to men, versus those attracted to women. A criticism is that many of these brain studies do not account for these differences (e.g., Luders) and should do such, and some researchers claim that their studies of the brains of lesbian transwomen show no significant differences from male brains. (Savic) This has led to debate within the research community as to whether or not differentiation is even needed, with no clear resolution forthcoming. (e.g. Cantor, Italiano)
  • Some researchers feel that the evidence is intriguing, but too subtle and difficult to study or replicate, and therefore not conclusive enough to say that transsexuality is a brain structure-focused intersex condition. (Meyer-Bahlburg)


Taking the entire breadth of the findings uncovered in this research, it appears that there is more than sufficient evidence that transgender persons either have a serious hormonal-based birth defect, have been exposed to exogenous chemicals which have impacted their gender development in the womb, have a genetic karyotype which differs from the general population, or via some other process have a brain structure which is different than would be indicated by their chromosomes. While no single study presents proof beyond any shadow of a doubt or with metaphysical certainty, taken together they do present a preponderance of evidence such that one can say with confidence that transgender individuals have a congenital gene-based difference from cis gender individuals.

The reader is encouraged to perform their own follow-up and fact-checking with the references listed at the end of this paper.

The scientific evidence and scriptural interpretations presented to this point, should eliminate the “God does not make mistakes” and “God created man and woman not a variation of man or woman”.  It is not someone as it is stated by the Christian Coalition of Florida and I quote, “God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male and female, and these distinct, complimentary genders together reflect the image and nature of God.  But some individuals reject their biological sex and often present as the opposite sex.  In so doing these confused individuals reject God’s design and the person He created them to be. 

As a trans woman myself, I can unequivocally state that “I HAVE IN NO WAY REJECTED GOD’S DESIGN AND THE PERSON I WAS CREATED TO BE.  IN FACT, I HAVE FINALLY AND TOTALLY ACCEPTED THAT DESIGN. A TRANSWOMAN WHO ACCEPTS GOD’S LOVE AS HE SEES ME, NOT AS OTHERS SEE ME. I have the spirit of God living within me, and that is all that matters, I know He accepts me as I am and will work with me through Sanctification to cleanse my soul of sin until I depart this life and go to be with Him eternally. It does matter to me if the Christian Community and society as a whole continue to reject the truth behind being transgender due to a complete lack of truth and understanding being put forth. I will continue to believe as I do. It is my goal in life to help this attitude change, or at least help those others that find themselves rejected by The Christian Community and Society as a whole, so they may live the joyful and full life that I now can, thanks to our Lord.  Perhaps you are still skeptical and need more information. Of course I know there will always be skeptics, so let’s continue the study of “Being Transgender and The Church”

When one presents evidence to disprove something, or present their own agenda, they first start with a theory. Sadly, many theories are put out by members of society and the Church with no proof whatsoever.  These theories are taken to be true and in some instances become a false fact with dire consequences. Such as in the theories or ideas put forth over centuries as to why a person has a Gender Identity problem.  These past false theories and ideas have resulted in the deaths and ruined the lives of millions of innocent people including myself.  I believe that all theories and ideas should never be stated as fact until supported or discarded on a preponderance of the evidence.   More than one detail must be used, both pro and con in all arguments.   Anything less would result in a gross amount of miss information used to influence one way or the other.  This is true in all aspects of truth determination, not limited to but including the Bible.  To rely on the Bible in its entirety from teachings of the past and present, would be to take at face value the teachings of any person with a certain agenda to promote for Biblical reasons of control or condemnation and exclusion.  Such as in the very establishment of cults and false religions based on false teachings. To properly interpret the Bible each scripture used and quoted must be verified and confirmed by other scripture. The verse must be interpreted on its location in the Bible, the author and his time in history.  The historical and cultural era the scripture was presented in.  The literary and literal translation, as well as the purpose of the scriptures teaching based on all these factors.  So if one is to present an argument in the Bible against Trans people they must never take the verse or verses out of context, you must seek to understand them by means of the afore mentioned hermeneutical theological study methods.   When seeking to understand the laws of the Bible one must first determine if they are one of the following.  Moral, Civil or Ceremonial laws. By using the aforementioned methods of study to determine a true meaning and its relevance in the present you can then come to an educated conclusion.

There is even more evidence that must be considered in whether a trans person is an abomination and destined for hell because they supposedly are “confused individuals rejecting God’s design and the person He created them to be,” before we get into the actual scriptures used to condemn us to hell, we should also include, the eye witness testimony of a trans person or persons if possible.  I have and continue to present that eyewitness testimony about being transgender, so you will know I have lived this life and know what the Church’s condemnation has done to me and how it prevented me from the Joy of completely knowing our Lord and savior.

As a Trans woman, I am an eye witness to the terror and pain caused at the hands of so called Christian dogma and society, be they believers or not. Until I found the true word and love of Christ.  I will say this, I am proud to be Transgender, despite what or who says something against me.  Does it hurt? Of course it does. But I know now that God’s love outweighs all pain and suffering. I do not feel that we as trans people, should have to hide who we are.  We should be able to stand proud and boldly go forth in confidence to pursue the life we were given, or better yet the calling God has chosen for us.  I try on a daily basis, unfortunately this is not a belief we can live out in comfort and acceptance.   I am personally attacked daily, not only by non-believers in God, or members of other religions, but by so called Christians in my own circle of life. By the very people that claim to be loving Christians and Church Goers. Attacked in such a way as to actually alter my life to avoid the attacks. And. To have my life goals altered due to the false lies and accusations put forth by so called loving Christians.

I will now begin to  address the other commonly used scriptural arguments against “Being a Transgender and The Church.” These verses include a false understanding of one idea that is always used, this idea is absolutely false, in determining a trans lifestyle and a main argument against us.  Let’s dispense with this argument first.   Before I speak of this argument, I wish to say that anything I say during the exposition of this false idea, is only being presented for clarity of how a trans persons sexual orientation does not play a role in being transgender No other reason. I do not wish to put any other member of the LGBT community in any kind of light, good or bad.  I love all despite a person’s lifestyle choices and how they may treat me or have treated me. We have free will, and we must give all a chance to seek out God and accept the truth.

I will be talking about homosexuality.  Not if it is or isn’t a sin in the bible. I will not debate or present evidence on the homosexuality question. However, let me clarify that, it is my belief, that the sin of homosexuality, is the very act of sexual relations with a member of the same sex and in that form sinful according to my biblical beliefs.  I say this so that upon clarification of the argument I am about to attempt to dispel, there will be no misunderstanding as to which way I believe. 

What is the argument I speak of?  When one researches being transgrnder in the Church as a sin and why, the second and foremost reason put forth other than “God does not Make mistakes”, is that homo sexuality is a sin.  This argument assumes that as a trans person we are homosexual and acting out the sin of homosexuality as described in the bible. This argument is based entirely on a total lack of knowledge and assumption by both believers and non-believers alike.   I have researched extensively to find data and statistical evidence that supports this argument to no avail..  Yes, to be a homosexual is, as I believe, based on scripture a sin.  However, a homosexual still has the right to pursue Gods love and grace as any person does. That in itself does not make a trans person a homosexual as is the normal belief among the majority of Christians and non-Christians alike.  Speaking as a Transsexual, who has lived a life of torment because of my internal conflict, and a person who has encountered transgender/transsexual individuals around the world, I can personally say that at least the vast majority of them are not now nor have they ever been in a homosexual relationship.  A very small percentage of them have however, been involved in such a relationship.   Most of them because of forced circumstances brought about by the human need for survival, not homosexual tendencies.  Often forced into the sex trade for means of survival due to a complete rejection by society, family, friends and the Church.  Fired without cause or raped, beaten and murdered. For these very reasons I lived a lie most of my entire life. I was constantly in fear of my family or work finding out my secret and being rejected by them. I thank God that now that I am out, that none of the aforementioned have actually happened to me on a large scale.  I doubt this would have been the case had I come out at an earlier age and in an earlier era. I have lost family and friends and been discriminated against but luckily not to the extent of some of my transgender friends.

There are many that would say, transgender people are “all homosexuals” and “being homosexual” is a direct result of a man or a woman wishing to dress in the clothing of the opposite sex for pleasure since they are feminized men or masculine women. This is not true and can be determined by the mere fact that a trans person does not wish to be the opposite sex, they know they are the opposite sex, and as many say, born in the wrong body.  Our female mind knows we are the opposite Gender.  We dress in the attire of the opposite gender outwardly, because we see and feel what our mind sees and responds to.  One thing is absolutely certain and something that I myself encountered upon coming out and accepting my being a trans woman.  Homosexual men and women do not wish to dress as the opposite sex just because they are gay, they are not even interested in a member of the opposite sex so why would they dress as one.  A large majority of them actually despise trans people and prefer to not even be around them.  You might say, “what about Drag Queens or kings”? They are entertainers playing a part.  They get in costume and as they call it “face” prior to a show, and revert back to themselves afterwards.  The term drag queen actually started in the time of Shakespeare when only men played a role in the theatre.  And were said to be “in drag”

 When I first came to an understanding with myself, I had no idea where to go, or what to do.  Who would and wouldn’t accept me.  So I ventured into the Gay world, not to seek out being gay or be in a homosexual relationship, but to find a community of acceptance.  It did not take long however, before I realized I was wrong and that gays for the most part wanted nothing to do with me, only tolerate me.  I will say without a doubt the most discriminated against I had ever been treated was, unfortunately to my dismay, in the gay community.  So I left it and ventured at the risk of my life into, for lack of a better word, the so called “straight world”.  In that world full of bikers, rednecks and the like, I found acceptance and respect, not hatred.  I also found and felt protected along with it.  Unfortunately, I was constantly rejected by the so called “God Loving Christians.”

For many years I continued lost and without the true Joy of God’s love and sought out my joy in the fleshly pursuits of the world. Until, the day God said that enough is enough, and used the circumstances of my best friend’s horrific automobile accident, to turn me from the ways of the world and heed His call that I had walked away from many years before. I could not live the lie of being trans and face the members of the Church every day. Even now, living my life the way it was meant to be lived, I still must remain silent going stealth so to speak most of the time about my true identity out of fear of retribution and possibly even death. For this reason, I am writing this paper. It is my fervent prayer that I may finally bring my life to light in all my life’s ventures and to help those others in the same predicament find God’s true love and live out the joy of His love in the open and not in a stealth mode.

To say I am a homosexual because I believe I am a woman and not a man is as wrong in statement as light is from dark. Despite my Gender Identity as a woman I am and have always been a woman. I am not all male, and I am not all female.  I am a contradiction in itself, as all trans people are. You see, no matter what amount of one or the other we are, we are in some way both biologically male and biologically female.   In a trans person you might find one who prefers the opposite sex more than the other, and vice versa.  In the trans community, just like the Cis-gender community, sexual preference is not the same as gender identity.  Cisgender people run the gamut of sexual preference, (right or wrong), and the same is true of trans people. 

In my case, I have always preferred women to men.  I was raised to understand that men were to be with women and vice versa.  I was raised in every aspect to be a man, not a woman.  That does not mean I did not always identify as a woman, it means that as far as I was concerned I was raised in such a way that I had to do everything a man does.  My father, as great a person as he was, raised me to understand that men did certain things. So as I grew into a young man and later into an adult, I sought to do the things a man would do, in order to prove my manhood to my father and the world.  Yes, I wanted to do the things a girl would do, but was denied that right my entire life, for one reason or another.  Each time I tried to do something viewed as for the opposite sex, I was stopped, and forced to do other things, I looked at it as I was being brain washed to be a man.  Thank God, that brainwashing did not take complete hold.  The point is, I was raised a man, so I did not ever try to be with a man.

I never had what would have been perceived to be homosexual tendencies.  Here comes the conundrum, since I am a woman and always thought myself to be a woman, technically that could mean I had Lesbian tendencies.  did I, or did the brainwashing keep me from being the woman I knew I was and preferring women over men?  I will never know the answer; I can only speculate.  Now I am legally a woman, does that mean I should switch to being with men, possibly. I tried dating men to see how I felt around them.  I liked the strength they could provide and thus made me feel more feminine, I liked the way they could do things for me, instead of me doing things for the other person I was with.  But, I never got the sexual feelings for them and still prefer women over men. Would that have been different if I had been allowed to be the woman I knew I was all my life, most likely, now we will never know.  So does that make me a Lesbian since I am now legally a woman, I think not, I am, as I said earlier both male and female biologically. Perhaps the biological male part is stronger in my sexual desires than the female part.  Why you may ask?  I do not know the answer to that question, and I doubt I ever will. So for now until somehow, someway God points me in the right direction I will remain celibate and avoid marriage until I can be certain. Not a choice I prefer, but a choice that is necessary. I presented this predicament to a Pastor, one I respected completely. One who strove to understand my being transgender, rather than rejecting me. One, who I knew would give me an honest answer.  His answer was, and I quote, “you are in a heck of a pickle”.  “you must pray and let God guide you”.

It is my belief that all trans people are intersex in some way.  After all there are now known to be approximately 1000 different variations of chromosomes and genetic changes in regards to sex and Gender Identity.  I believe that eventually more variations will be discovered. There are DNA causes, Chromosome causes and epigenetic causes.  Any alteration in any one of these things can change a person’s makeup.  Most people know what the first two are, epigenetic is a change that takes place between the genes, and is caused by outside influences that change the direction things go in the future.  So something a past relative did can cause the change to a future generation or generations.  (Sins of the Father), Such as the drug DES has changed children and even grandchildren of the drug users, as in my case. One thing is certain, my biological makeup was influenced by my genetic makeup.   You cannot tell from outward appearances the truth of the biological makeup of a person’s gender.  To force norms on a person because of how they look is wrong.  Proper testing at birth can save a lot of lost lives in the future. 

With this in mind let’s move on to the next biblical argument.  Deuteronomy 22:5. In my opinion this is the most misused verse in the bible to control or condemn a trans person or for that manner many people in the Church depending on the denomination.

First of all, we must understand the context and culture of the verse being used and the book it is from.  So let’s look at the Times and culture of Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy was written as a book of laws.   More specifically a copy of the book of laws.  This book is a reiteration of all the laws set forth to Moses from God.  The laws were set forth and written down to cover any and all aspects of life to live a proper and holy life.  Historically, these laws were set forth not long after the Israelite's were freed from 400 years of slavery during which time they never had to worry about what the proper way to live life was. They basically were told what to do and not do based on the Egyptian way of life and worship.  During their 400 years of captivity they pretty much forgot their original way of life.  Shortly after Moses led them out of captivity, God set down a series of laws that would direct every aspect of their lives.  Deuteronomy 22:5 was one of these laws.  The entirety of the laws took up volumes covering Civil, moral, and the ceremonial laws of life.   Civil is easy to understand along with the laws of morality.  Ceremonial directed them in every aspect of life from farming to worship and how not to worship, laws meant to direct every aspect of their holy life.

Let’s try to break down Deuteronomy 22:5.   A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all who do are an abomination to the Lord our God.  Like I said this is a ceremonial law. Why would this be an abomination to God.  When the Israelite's were in captivity the Egyptians had many practices that the Israelite did or were forced to do such as wear the armament of men in pagan worship and the men would dress as women for the worship. If you think about, thanks to recent discoveries we know that Egyptian men wore makeup as did the women.  It would stand to reason that God would set forth a law that would stop the Israelite's from doing anything in worship as they did in Egypt.  They did not do this because they felt like a member of the opposite sex and had Gender Identity issues, although some may very well have had those feelings and not even realize why. We know that Gender issues have been around for thousands of years, it is not just a thing of our era or something that happened in the last few decades, it is just more visible now and more prevalent than in the past with the advent of more outside chemical influences changing the genetic makeup of mankind. The laws were need at the time to re-educate the Israelites in a proper holy life and to remove developed habits.  Any pagan worship of any kind was and still is an abomination before God.  The rule in regards to attire was an example written for a way of life in an era that it was needed until no longer needed, and was removed the moment Jesus was crucified and resurrected from the dead.

Deuteronomy 22:5, like the majority of the laws in that era were made null and void by Jesus 2000 years ago, when He became the blood sacrifice for Issac as God promised in a covenant with Abraham 3,000 years earlier.  I know that Many of today believe that all the laws of Moses are no longer in effect.  Many of the Civil laws were only for the era of Moses and until Jesus.  The morality laws are for our guidance and understanding of a righteous life under Grace.  One only need to strive for all the knowledge and wisdom in the Bible, work to understand what is relevant today and what is not relevant.  If you are among those who feel all the laws of Deuteronomy are still in effect, then let’s take a look at some other versus from the same chapter 22 and see if this belief holds true.

  Verse 8. When you build a house then you shall make a parapet for your roof, that you may not bring guilt of bloodshed on your house.  I ask does your house have a parapet?

Verse 9. You shall not sow your vineyard with different kinds of seeds, lest the yield of the seed which you have sown and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled.  Today we plant many different kinds of seeds together, both in fruit and flowers.  

Verse.11 You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linens mixed together.   The very clothes all of us wear daily are of mixed fiber.

Verse.12...You shall make tassels on the four corners of the clothing with which you cover yourself.  Do we wear tassels mostly on the four corners of our garments.?

Understand one thing, unless you are following all the laws of Deuteronomy to the letter, wearing tassels on the four corners of your garment, not improperly sowing seeds, building a parapet upon your home, etc.  then you must not a take out of context 22:5. This verse has nothing to do with being Transgender, in any way, or for that matter life today.  In fact, many of the churches of the past and present used or use this verse to require women to wear dresses to church and not pants.  Are you wearing pants right now?  

Let’s take this one step further.  Since it has been proven trans women and trans men have a biological mix that started in the womb and prior to birth, a trans woman has never seen herself as a male, she has always seen herself as a female despite the declaration at birth based on a total deduction of the outward appearance of her body by a doctor. The same holds true for trans men.  I know I am a woman, despite what many may wrongly think. If you take this verse literally and out of context, I am, dressed properly!  A trans person is not wearing clothing of the opposite gender for the cultural era they are in today and in the past.  

I reiterate again, this is not a disorder as many have said and continue to say, it is a dysphoria caused by a brain that developed in the opposite gender of the physical appearance presented by the outward appearance.  To force someone to dress as they do not see themselves forces them into an internal torment that often results in death.  The only known cure is to live as the gender we identify with,

I repeat from my earlier opening section, to do anything less than accept a trans person in the total love of Christ and welcome them in understanding into your Christian love would be a total rejection of Gods first 2 commandments and putting the law above Grace as well as becoming their judge and jury. 

Mathew 7:1-5 Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you judge, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the speck in your own eye. How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye’, when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?  You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Keeping the love of Christ and how we are not to judge in mind, let’s move to a scripture from the New Testament, a verse that is often used as the go to New Testament scripture to condemn and call a trans person an abomination before God and to tell us we are going to hell. When someone wishes to quote scripture to judge another. This verse is taken out of context, by deliberately leaving off the balance of the statement put forth by Paul. First, I will give present the verse to you as it has been presented to me by many Christians that chose to judge me based on this scripture alone and out of context.

1st Corinthians 6:9- Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind KJV.

Now I admit, that taken as written in the KJV of the Bible I can see how this verse could be used to say I am going to hell because of the word effeminate alone.  Does the word effeminate here really mean a trans gender person?  Let’s examine the word as written here.  To do that we need to go back to the original manuscript to understand the words intended meaning.  The ancient Greek used the word (malokos), which is to mean, “fine or soft, a male prostitute, a male homosexual who is the passive sex partner”.  If we use the original Latin version of the word it was Catamite.  In Ancient Rome a catamite was a young fine featured boy used as a prostitute in a homosexual relationship by those in authority and were dressed as women.  Not by choice but forced into this lifestyle. Much as many trans women are forced into the sex trade today. Additionally, the word effeminate KJV, NAS, AKJ, ERV and others also use effeminate, the word was changed in many other versions to words such as homosexuals” KJV, “men who have sex with men NIV, “male prostitutes NLV, “passive homosexual partners NET, all these interpretations basically saying the same thing as the original Greek meaning.  None of these versions actually even pertain to a transgender.  To use the term in a general condemnation is completely wrong.  There is one version in the Darby Bible Translation, that actually changes the term “effeminate” with those who make women of themselves”.  Not even close to the original word, and should thus be completely dismissed.   There are various other terms used all basically the same meaning as the original Greek, a male prostitute.  Of course we all know that in reality, anyone can make the bible say whatever they want, if they have an agenda to push.  This should never be the case by a true Christian.

f you still wish to use this verse, for whatever reason you think, then all one needs to do is go to the very next verse in any one of the versions to see why you cannot and should never take a verse out of context.  Why you should not judge.  Let’s put the verses together.

1st Cor 6:9-11 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, shall inherit the kingdom of God.  And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of God. KJV

Right here we see how the love of our Lord comes into play.  How the first 2 commandments come into play.  How and why it is not our place to judge others based on our personal ideals and beliefs.  Right here we see that all one needs to do is believe in Jesus completely and accept him as our Lord and Savior and we are washed, we are sanctified and we are justified.  If we already did this we need not do it again, if we haven’t then we need to be able to do it.   No one should be denied the opportunity to know the truth of God’s Word.

Let’s look at these 3 important terms so we may properly understand what these two verses are saying in the original greek.

Washed (apolouo) in the original Greek.  Simply means to “wash away”

Justified (dikaioo) in the original Greek, to vindicate, to put someone in a proper relationship with another, implying a proper legal or moral relationship with another.

Sanctified (hagiazo) to set apart make holy, active dedication and service to God, or the act of regarding or honoring as holy.

Now that we have the actual Greek meaning as written let’s try to rewrite the verse; 1st Cor 6:11 using the long, original, definition of these three words. Thus putting the verse in an easy to read format.

V11… (as rewritten by me in my understanding of the ancient Greek meaning).   And such were some of you, prior to having your sins and past being washed away and gone forever, thus being set apart from non-believers you are regarded by God as being Holy and now serving God.  You can do this because you were vindicated and put in a proper legal and moral relationship with God by his Grace and love, not by anything you did other than accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Now if you couple this with verses 9 and 10, you will see that even if you committed or are committing one or more of these sins on the list or those sins not specifically mentioned, once you accept Jesus in to your life with faith you are no longer guilty of them.  Once you have done the sin you cannot undo it. But Jesus did, 2000 years ago for you out of His pure love.  You cannot undo divorce.  You cannot undue adultery, you cannot undo the act of prostitution, and you cannot undo the act of effeminacy (male prostitute) and or the act of abusing oneself before mankind. But God can remove it from his memory and forget it ever happened for eternity. You can only work with God through His Holy Spirit to stop sinning and that is the part sanctification does.  You must understand that sanctification is never done as long as you are alive.  Yes, we must strive to be better and live the holy servant life required, but somethings can never be undone by man alone, we must trust in God to do that for us.  We must move on as we are always striving to improve. You as a true Christian, must love everyone with the love of Christ and help guide others on their journey, not deny them access to Jesus.

Of course even if you do not understand all that has been put forth about these verses, the first thing to realize is, it does not talk about being Transgender.  The verse talks of sexual immorality and being transgender has nothing to do with sexual immorality.  Like I said earlier, most Trans people are not homosexual so this verse only applies if they are committing one of the acts of immorality listed.  If they did or are still, then true repentance eliminates the sin of immorality in their life and they must now strive to remove it completely.  Nowhere does it say, you must be perfect first. Nor does it say change your gender identity back to what you think it isn’t before you come to the Lord.  As we Meditate on all the previous information, lets read the following verses directly from the Bible let’s begin and begin to understand the true meaning of them.  

Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

1st John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleans us from all unrighteousness.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Ephesians 2:8-9 For by Grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. 

John 5:24 “Truly, truly I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgement, but has passed out of death into life.

Nowhere in any of these verses, has there been anything that says unless you are a transgender.

What can we determine from all that we have read and or heard about “BEING TRANSGENDER AND THE CHURCH’”?

We must Love all the same.  As God so loved us.

That trans people in their own way are born perfect, and not perfect in the sense of how God created us before the fall of man.

That Trans people do not have a choice, they have been born with a proven biological birth defect that began in the womb due to alterations in the genetic makeup.

That how a trans person dresses is not an abomination and is in no way determined to be according to the Bible.

That trans people are not sinning when they live as they were born.

That once they believe with their heart, soul and mind, that even a transgender is forgiven of all that is past, present and future. 

That God loves all of us no matter what as we should and so should all true Christians.

We must remember that when we judge someone for reasons of inaccurate information and outward appearance. And when we deny access to people no matter who or what we feel about them then we deny access to their being able to find the truth and deny them the chance to accept Jesus as Lord.  Do you wish to be guilty of denying anyone access to Jesus as you face Him on that great day of judgement?   2nd Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. NIV    God gives you free will, now the decision is yours.

In conclusion let me use the following excerpt by Ravi Zacharias’s “Among Other Gods

You read the gospel of Jesus Christ, and you see the forgiveness that he offers liberally and freely at the great cost of his crucifixion. 

“That's why the elementary school teacher writes:

"He came to my desk with a quivering lip; The lesson was done.

'Have you a new sheet for me, dear teacher?

I've spoiled this one.'

I took his sheet all soiled and blotted,

And gave him a new one all unspotted,

And into his tired heart I cried,

'Do better now, my child.'

I went to the throne with a trembling heart; The day was done.

'Have you a new day for me, dear Master?

I've spoiled this one.'

He took my day all soiled and blotted,

And gave me a new one all unspotted,

And into my tired heart he cried, 'Do better now, my child.'"

You turn through the pages of the Gospels, and you see him at a well talking to a woman with five shattered marriages. Think of what she must have felt when she was standing in front of the Messiah. He made her the first evangelist to the Samaritans. Another one with an alabaster ointment probably made by a profession that embarrassed her at that time. She took that ointment, poured it on his feet. He paid her the greatest compliment saying, "Wherever the gospel is preached, there shall this also be told in what this woman has done to me in her expression of worship."

Are you in need of forgiveness? Do you ever look into your heart and say, is there anybody who can cleanse this? When Oscar Wilde was on his deathbed in his 40s in a hotel in Paris, he was sitting by his lover, Robbie Ross, and he looked at Robbie Ross and he says, "Robbie, did you ever love any one of those boys for their own sake?" Why did a hedonist want the definition of love on his deathbed? 

I wrote a book on an imaginary conversation between Oscar Wilde and Jesus called, Sense and Sensuality: Jesus Talks to Oscar Wilde. But he looked at Robbie Ross, and he said to him, "Did you ever love any one of them for their own sake?" Robbie said, "No, I didn't." He said, "Neither did I." He said, "Bring me now a priest. Bring me a minister," and in his poem, The Ballad of Reading Goal, he said,

"Only Christ is big enough to cleanse this heart of mine." Amazing! When the crunch comes in life to say, "Is there anyone who will forgive what I have really ended up living like?" That's Christ who offers this for you.” 

He provides an answer to your malady. I'll give you this quick illustration. It was a few years ago in Jerusalem when I was talking to the one of the four founders of Hamas, Sheikh Talal. I was one of the guests. The former Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, took five of us. We went to meet with many of the leaders there, a long list of them, religious, political, both sides. 

On the last day we were in the home of Sheikh Talal, who had spent 18 years in prison for all kinds of atrocities. He was quite an animated kind of guy. The room was full of tobacco smoke as we were there. We'd been his guests. And there were big names in the room. At the end of it, the Archbishop gave the five of us the chance to ask him one question each, and I asked mine. 

I didn't like his answer and I looked at him and I said, "Sheikh, I really don't like your answer. I don't, but I won't get into it now. I just want to point one thing out to you. Not far away from here is a mountain. Five thousand years ago a man by the name of Abraham took his son up that mountain as an expression of his faith to offer his son as a sacrifice, and as the sword is about to come down, God stops that arm and he says, 'Stop.'" The sheikh nodded. 

I said, "Let's not debate which son it was. That's not what I want to debate right now." I said, "But do you know what God said to him?" He shook his head and he said, "No." I said, "God said to him, 'I myself will provide.'" He said, "That's right." I said, "Very close to where you and I are sitting 2,000 years ago God kept that promise and took his own Son and this time the ax did not stop." I said, "Sheikh Talal, until you and I receive what the Son God has provided for us, we'll be offering our own sons and daughters on the battlefields of this world for position and prestige and land and power." 

Silence in the room. The Archbishop says, "I guess it's time to go." So we left. He put his arm around me and encouraged me as we were walking down the stairs, but I was nervous as anything. I walked around and I went to the other side of the SUV to get in because the guest of honor was the Archbishop. 

Sheikh quickly bade him goodbye and then ran around to the other side. He turned me around, and he grabbed me by the shoulders and just stared at me, and then kissed me on both sides of the face, and he said, "Mr. Zacharias, you're a good man. I hope I will see you again someday." His eyes just turned moist, and he gave me a hard, solid embrace, and we went on, and I have never seen him again. The cross is the message to a world that has no answer for the malady. 

It is the hope that he gives by the resurrection from the dead.  And when I'm talking about the resurrection, I mean hope not just beyond the grave; I'm talking about the hope that can be a down payment even for now.

I want to read for you a poem, and then I want to read for you this article and I'll be through. It's a very powerful piece of poetry written by a Vietnam vet. 

"Lord God I have never spoken to you, But now I want to say how do you do?

You see, God, they told me you didn't exist, And like a fool I believed all this.

Last night from a shell hole I saw your sky; I figured right then they had told me a lie.

Had I taken time to see the things you've made, 

I'd have known they weren't calling a spade, a spade.

I wonder, God, if you'll take my hand? 

Somehow I feel that you'll understand.

Funny I had to come to this hellish place, Before I had time to see your face.

I guess there isn't much more to say, But I'm sure glad, God, I met you today.

I guess zero hour will soon be here, 

But I'm not afraid since I know you're near.

The signal, well God, I'll have to go. 

I like you a lot so I want you to know.

Look now this'll be a horrible fight. 

Who knows, I might come to your house tonight.

Though I wasn't friendly to you before, 

I wonder, God, if you'd wait at your door? Look I'm crying, I'm shedding tears. 

I'll have to go now, God, goodbye.

Strange now since I met you, I’m not afraid to die."

I was in Vietnam during that time. This was handed to me. The hope that only Christ could give even under a hail of firepower, that hope that God alone is big enough to give to you and me. 

One of the well-known atheists in England is a man by the name of Matthew Parris, ideologically driven by his atheism. For 2008 Christmas, he went to Malawi where he was raised to watch the NGOs in operation, and he wrote a profound article. I don't have time to read all of it to you. It was a shocker to his readership because they knew what Matthew Parris lives like. They knew what Matthew Parris believes. 

Here are some of the paragraphs: "Traveling in Malawi refreshed another belief, too: one I've been trying to banish all my life. It confounds my ideological beliefs, stubbornly refuses to fit my worldview, and has embarrassed my growing belief that there is no God. 

Now a confirmed atheist, I've become convinced of the enormous contribution that Christian evangelism makes in Africa, sharply distinct from the secular NGOs. Education and training alone will not do. In Africa, it is Christianity that is changing people's hearts. It brings a transformation. The rebirth is real. I've seen it. The change is good. 

There's long been a fashion among Western academic sociologists for placing tribal value systems within a ring fence, beyond critiques, founded on theirs and therefore best for them, authentic and intrinsically of equal worth to ours. I don't follow this anymore. I observe that tribal belief is no more peaceable than ours, and that it actually suppresses individuality. People think collectively. This feeds into the big man and gangster politics of the African city, the exaggerated respect for the swaggering leader, and the literal inability to understand the whole idea of a loyal opposition. 

Anxiety…fear of spirits, of ancestors, of nature and the wild…strikes deep into the whole structure of rural African thought, and a great weight grinds down the spirit. But Christianity, with its teaching of a direct, personal, two-way link between the individual and God, unmediated by the collective, and unsubordinated to any other human being, smashes straight through the philosophical/spiritual framework I've just described. 

Those who want Africa to walk tall amid 21st-century global competition must not kid themselves that providing the material means or even the knowhow that accompanies what we call development will somehow make the change. No. A whole belief system must first be supplanted, and I'm afraid it has to be supplanted by another. Removing Christian evangelism from the African equation may leave the continent at the mercy of a malign fusion of Nike, the witch doctor, the mobile phone, and the machete."

I just want to add one footnote: Not just for Africa, but for the whole world. We have a malign fusion otherwise, unless the transformation comes in the heart, which Jesus Christ alone is big enough to give. China is sending some of its leaders to this part of the world, and inviting some of us to come and speak there. They know America's strength lies not just in her economic theory, but in her moral theory, and they want to know what that moral theory was, the very moral theory we are now jettisoning, which the rest of the world recognize was what made this nation great.

Jesus Christ, why? Many, many reasons. He describes you the way you really are. He promises to transform and change your heart. He carries you through the seasons of pain. He rises again from the dead to ultimately show to you that life is not to be measured in this threescore years and ten. I tell you, outside of the transformation of the heart, there is no hope for mankind, and only Jesus Christ is big enough and powerful enough and unique enough to bring that change. “

This section of Ravi’s lecture touched my heart, and as I heard it and then read it, I realized so many in the Church and society that claim to be loving Christians do not have a clue.  I pray that everything you heard today or read, touches your heart and allows you to open it to all mankind, not just those you feel are your ideal idea of perfect. 

Yes, I am a trans woman I lived in my own hell until I saw and heard the truth. Now hell no longer confines me.   For I was created this way, and I know God loves me just exactly as I am as long as I believe in him.  Open your heart and reach out to others like me and more.

It is time for the Church to evangelize everyone, and realize we have our own tribes in America that need to hear the word as it is meant to be heard.  The LGBT community has been driven away by the Church, driven from God by the very people God called to take the message to them.  You may not agree with the beliefs of the LGBT community, but that is not your choice.

  “And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” NIV

Thank you. And May God Bless You Always


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  1. Monica. I loved your blog. It was very well done and enlightening in many areas. I only hope those, who do not understand, will take the time to read it entirely. Some people will never have the ability to read and understand because of their closed minds. Good luck in all you do. Nita

  2. Thank you Nita for all your support. It is my hope this blog will help in some way.
